College years: Audrina, Lizandra and Lauren Barillas Part II

Audrina, Lizandra and her husband Orlando, Lauren and her husband Alon (24), all are 21 except alon.
3rd year
Audrina and Orlando are finally a sophomores. Lizandra, Lauren and Alon are Juniors.
Narrated by Alon.
Things between my sister-in-law and her husband Orlando have turned from great to worse. I have never seem them argue like they do now. It seems that every day they are arguing about school. Orlando told me the other day that he has had enough of her.
Audrina is enjoying her third year here with us in school even though she's a sophomore. I still cant believe that everyone does not have it together. Who knew college could be so hard?
It seems that Lizandra and Orlando may have finally called it quits. I over heard Lizandra telling Orlando that she was not going to stand by and watch him flirt. Who knows whats breaking them up. Could it be that hes cheating? Or is it that he is academically behind all of us?
I and Lauren are doing great. We have opposite class schedules so we try to have dinner together as much as possible. When we are not together then I am focused on getting my school work done.
After so many months without dating anyone Audrina finally opened up and met Justin hart. He is a nice guy but somehow I think a little too nice for Audrina's taste. Much as I figured they went out only once and she said he was not her type. I wonder who is?
Turns out she likes the older type. Before we knew it she was dating professor Mitch Bear. I don't think there will be any repercussions to it but wow that's bold.
At the end of our Junior year we were happy because Lauren found out that she was pregnant. We have not told anyone. The last few months have been so busy that we are all on academic probation. Did I not say college was hard? It seems only Orlando passed this year. Go figure the least studious.
sophomore year
I finally managed to talk to Orlando and he was ecstatic that he was on the same level as all of us now. He laughed when he said it was funny that he was now a Junior and we were not seniors. I didn't notice what a jack ass my brother-in-law Orlando could be.
Lizandra is now hanging out with another dorm mate. She is not saying anything about her and Orlando. They still sleep in the same room but we all think is to keep appearances.
It seems Audrina is in love or shall I say lust. Orlando tried to join a greek house and this Ashley Pitts guy came and Audrina was blown away. He too fell for her because he has not stopped calling the house for her.
Finally Orlando let all of us know that he and Lizandra had settled on a divorce. Lauren was feeling ill so she did not hear this news. Audrina was in shock as I was. Iknew they had problems but I really did not think they would get divorced. I wonder how my mother-in-laws will take this news.
This is not the only break up. Audrina bid farewell to her professor Bear. He said he understood but if he only knew the real reason she broke up with him.
It turns out that she is on with Ashley for now. They are dating and she looks happy.
I am happy for the most part. Lauren is showing now and I can not wait to have our daughter or son. Turns out that all this stress has caused us our college dream. We both did not make it pass our probation period. I am sad because now we have to wait and apply for a different college program.
We are not the only 0ne's the left. Lizandra couldnt take her marriage any more especially since Orlando announced it to the whole dorm that they were divorcing. When we were leaving she showed up with her bags and announced that she was dropping out of college. The only two that stayed was Audrina who is academic probation and Orlando who is still a junior.

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