Generation 1- Oscar Barillas Season 2

Oscar Barillas
Statistics: Season Fall Loan debt: 51,000
Household members: Oscar Job: Legal Secretary, Wife: Maria-Celeste Job: Nurse
Children: Amarilis, Consuelo, Oscar Simon II (teen stage),
Summer is over so the Barillas family have decided to take advantage and hang out on the beach. Maria-Celeste managed to relax a little bit. She loved the feeling of the shore wetting her tippy toes. Her moment of peace and quiet was disturbed when she heard the squeal of her new born children.
Oscar came home just in time for Maria-Celeste to give birth. Oscar was surprised when he welcomed another daughter...but then he realized that Maria-Celeste was not done.
Yes to their surprise they had another set of tripletts. This time they welcomed two boys and one girl. In birth order they were named, Brianna, Ian and Marcos. The only thing that consoled Oscar is that they were used to having three kids at the same time. Oscar had to take out another loan to pay the birthing fees of $18,000.

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