Barillas Legacy~~Generation 1 Oscar Season 1

Season: Summer
Household members: Oscar his wife Maria-Celeste

Oscar Barillas arrived with his beautiful wife Mariai-Celeste to Viramontes full of dreams. Sure they knew that their lives would be difficult but they loved that they would go through the trials and tribulations. The first thing they did was to look for a house to live in. Viramontes is in its building stage so there was not much to choose from.

Before they knew it they found a small yet affordable house. Sure they loved the fact that they were living on the beach front. Keep in mind that Viramontes was a developing city so rent/house market was in a low point. Maria-Celeste loved the open floor plan and was aching to get her family life started in here. Oscar found a job as a lawyer meanwhile Maria-Celeste found a job as a paramedic. Maria-Celestes goal is to be a physician but she had to work to pay the rent.

Life for the Barillas clan took a small turn when Maria-Celeste found herself pregnant. Upon delivery she received the surprise of having triplets. Oscar and Marleny needed to move in high gear to get everything ready including paying the birthing fees. They had two girls and a boy and named them : Amarilis, Consuelo and the legacy heir Oscar Simon II. Oscar managed to stay home more because his career was more sedatary. Maria-Celeste on the other hand had a more demanding job that required her presense. Therefore Oscar found himself at home dealing with three precious yet screaming babies.

--Maria-Celeste was tired of washing so many baby bottles that is was getting ridiculous. She was so happy that the triplets were now toddlers and sooner than later were going to be walking on their own. As much as she felt guilty she knew that it would help that her career advanced. Oscar on the other hand made her feel guilty about her career choices. She didnt want to be away from home but yet she knew it was necessary.

The tripletts birthday came sooner than expected. Both parents were happy that the hard times were over and they would soon enjoy the joys of being children. Oscar sat at their breakfast table and thanked his stars that he was now a child expert. Then it came time for the tripletts to turn teenagers.

Amarilis, first born. She was a little bossy thing and Maria-Celeste thought that it was her fault for expecting too much from her. Amarilis rolled love aspiration which is going to be interesting to see.

Consuelo, the second born. She is quiet and stays to herself pretty much. Maria-Celeste watched how her daughter was trying to bond with Amarilis but it was not working out. Amarilis and Simon seemed to bond more quickly. Consuelo rolled love aspiration as well. Hmm is it a trend with these tripletts? Last but not least, our legacy heir Oscar Simon II.

Oscar Simon II, Legacy heir. When Simon heard the role that he would play in the legacy he actually worried. Simon did not even know how in the world he would handle the responsibility of keeping the family united. As far as he knew he was going to try to keep everything about pressure. Simon rolled Knowledge aspiration.

At the end of this season, Maria-Celeste and Oscar managed to get away at the beach and talk. Maria-Celeste felt nervous and didnt know what to say when she looked at her husband. So many years passed before she could even process anything. Oscar looked at his wife and realize that they were ever growing, "Maria, your happy right? I mean sometimes it feels as though we don't have time for ourselves..especially with the tripletts." Maria looked at him, "Oscar of course im happy. I would never trade our life for anything in the world. I have an announcement and I do not know how you will take it." Maria held Oscar's hands and said, "im pregnant. Now I know that were tight...but I dont know what to do. " Oscar now feared the worst, " I hope that we can make it. Actually I know that we can. We can do this if we do it together. Are you game??" Maria then replied, " Im always with you baby!"

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