Dylan Barillas-Chapter 4

Dylan (25) his husband Leo (56) their children: twins, Salma and Lionel (2)
Narrated by: Dylan
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Our marriage has begun to get a little boring I might say. We still talk about the news of my family but it seems all we have in common now a days. Leo wants me to enroll in college where as I am content in my little job as he calls it.
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Leo believes in hiring a nanny to do the job of helping to raise our kids. I honestly detest the idea but I don't want to get into it with him. So I grinned and agreed to have interviews. Who ever heard of a Manny? Not me. The three people that showed were Martin Ruben, Jane Stacks and Allegra Gorey. I interviewed each one and was bored out of my mind.
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Just because I have to choose someone I choose Jane. She seemed the most normal out of the three people that applied.
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I have to admit that she is great with the kids. I am happy that she is around to help me out.
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Don't get me wrong I still take care of the kids. I know Leo hates me being so involved. Either way they are our kids and we should be involved. I just hope that our marriage gets its spark back sooner rather than later.

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