Carson Barillas --Chapter 4

Carson (25) and his wife Vanessa (24)
Narrated by Carson.
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I got up and ran to the bathroom and to my surprise Vanessa was in there. I felt so embarrassed but she told me not to. I asked her why was she there and she told me that she wasn't feeling too good.
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At breakfast she told me that she was late with her period. I looked and her and told her that we could not jump to conclusions. We had to wait until she got it confirmed with the doctor. Either way would be fine for me. After all we have been married for two years already.
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Just in case, I stopped by the pet store and got us a new little pet. This kitty would help console Vanessa just in case she was not pregnant.
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I barely showed her the cat when she jumped in my arms to tell me we were expecting. I couldn't find any words to describe the happiness that I felt. It was too strange knowing that I was going to be a dad.
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Vanessa had a pretty much normal pregnancy. She had no problems and next thing we knew she was giving birth. No need to tell you that being a medical doctor she was all upset that I kept telling her to calm down.
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It was all worth it in the end. Meet our twins . Vanessa is holding Julian while I am holding Jewel. I still cant believe that we have twins!
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My mom's were so happy when they heard the babies were born. They insisted on taking pictures and taking care of the babies. Vanessa did not mind at all that my moms were willing to help.
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We were now back to semi normal sex life when all of a sudden we heard a squeal from one of the babies. I told Vanessa to ignore it that one of my mom's would get it but then she kindly reminded me that my mom's had went back to their place.
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Turns out that llttle Julian needed a diaper change. Now that my kids are here I am even more motivated to finish and get to the correct level in my career. I have a bigger family that I need to take care of.

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