Marcos (33), Pearla, Mateo, Eugenio and David are all 7 (they are quads).
Narrated by Marcos.
I am happy because things have been going well for both Linda and I. The hard work that I placed in trying to improve our parental relationship has worked. Whenever she passes by we managed to talk a little bit about her impending marriage and the kids. I am glad to see that she is happy. The other day, Linda even asked if I was dating someone. I guess with all the trouble at work and being with the kids gives me not time to date.
The case against the detectives was hard to win. Can you even imagine that the thieves even said that both my nephew and I were involved in it? But luckily our lawyer managed to prove that we were not involved. It was good news for us when we heard that Ms. Nanle won the case for us. She explained that the former detectives signed confessions and were not going to get a plea. They were going to jail for a long time and I am happy that we are good to go.
Ms. Nanle told me that I was able to go back to work and that my Captain wanted to see me as soon as tomorrow. I can not believe that this nightmare is finally over. When Nanale left, I swear she was so flirtatious. Anyone with a sane mind would take the opportunity of having a date with her. I on the other hand was not remotely attracted to her and I turned her down.
A few weeks later after my meeting with my captain, I got the greatest news ever. I am now Captain of my precinct and cant wait to tell the kids. I got a nice little bonus which I used to pay some bills. I still owe the $50000 lawyer retainer fee but at least im cleared. Adam was glad to hear that the drama was over and suggested we have a guys night out. I agreed and got ready to head out.
We decided to go to Crypto night club for some food, drinks and dancing. Its Odd that I am the only single man in the whole group. Justin loved hanging out since he rarely got to do this because of the twins.
I was mingling and honestly I just wanted to find someone to spend some time with. I was tired of going home alone. I met a LOT of people that night. I was chatting with Justin when I saw this hot brunette tap my shoulder. We started talking and she seemed so familiar to me and I to her. We spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other.
Then we both began talking about kids and I told her I had a set of quads. She asked me if they were named Pearl, David, Mateo and Eugenio and I said yes. It turns out that this gorgeiou woman was Linda's nanny for the kids.
Before the end of the night I dont know what happened but Renee and I were actively making out. I just knew that I wanted feel her, be with her but I needed to hold back. I needed to gather my thoughts. Renee to me was not just anyone, she was the former nanny of my children. Who could have guessed we would be her at this moment.
Before things could get any hotter than they were, I called Linda over to discuss it with her. For a minute I thought she was going to say that I seduced her when I went to visit. I honestly thought the worse. To my surprise Linda was supportive. She was a little shocked and even made sure that I was not dating her while she was the kids nanny. I told her that I had only met Renee once, well twice now and I really liked her.
Renee and I began to date. I cooked dinner for her. We went to the movies, parks and back to the club. She was amazed at how quiet the house was. I told her that it was not my weekend to take care of the quads.
After several months of dating I knew that she and I would take this further. We both wanted the same things. Sure she was only 24 but to me that did not matter because I loved her. I told her that I was falling deeply in love with her and she told me that she was falling for me too. It just all seem to fall into place for us rather quickly.
I told Renee that I thought it would be a good idea to have her meet Linda's new finacee plus have a nice dinner to get everything out in the open.
On the date of the dinner, Linda excused herself to meet her finacee outside.
"OK so remember not to over react but well there's something I did not tell you"
"What? Are the kids OK?"
"Yes, they are. Um, Marcos is dating the former nanny"
"Are you serious? Ok well lets go, Marcos is starting to stare and probably wonder what you are telling me."
Everything was going fine during dinner until Linda mentioned that Renee needed money to continue her education. I could not believe she said that all the while her rich finacee is right next to her. When dinner finished both Renee and Marcos decided that it was time to tell the kids.
Marcos had told the kids but now he had to tell him that he was going to propose to Renee. the kids were excited since they have known Renee since they were babies. I actually thought Pearla would feel bad or maybe jealous. I got the go ahead from them and i was to porpose tonight.
Renee was shocked when I proposed that she was besides herself. Without pausing she mouthed, "yes".
We dont believe in long engagements. We had a small wedding. I only had the kids and us. Everyone was always busy and besides we just wanted something small. Now we are considering maybe moving to a different household. There is too much history here but Renee says she doesnt mind at all since she can use her funds to redo the house. I didnt want her to spend her money but she was insisting. I just cant believe that our relationship was such a whirlwind.

Author's note:
Marcos drew the ROS of having a shot gun wedding. I sent him downtown with his brothers in hope that he would meet someone. He knew Renee from before. I would have Marcos talk to other girls and immediately the black hearts with x's would appear. The race was between Renee and Opal (the crypto bartender) but just with a few conversations Marcos and Renee hit 100% in their friendship. this is the reason why I choose her.

Extra pics:

Here are the Generation 2 "boys". I never have my sims be family oriented. I want to have them hang out more...thus this pic. From left to right: Oscar Simon II, Marcos, Adam, Ian and crouching down Justin.
Here are the Quads. My favorite of them is Mateo who is the furthest to the right. I think that he is so cute. From Left to right: David, Eugenio, Pearla and Mateo.

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