Justin Barillas ch 6

Justin (29), LaShawn (38)
Children: Cameron and Candice (twins)(2 )
Narrated by LaShawn
Justin ch 6
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Justin ch 6
Now that the kids are toddlers, Justin has decided to reopen his business at home. Just-in-case is getting much more customers than before.
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I still work my magic as a dazzler seller on the floor. I still tell Justin that maybe now that he's earning more he might hire another employee. I know Gordon was happy to get his job back.
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Justin asked several people if they wanted to work at his store and many turned him down flat. Finally a teenager by the name of Ivy Cooper decided to join his team as a sales person. Justin held his first meeting and introduced Ivy to Gordon. Gordon got a little raise since he now restocks the inventory.
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Business was booming but Ivy seemed to come on a little strong. Justin was worried and talked to her and she just smiled. Hopefully she will work on her aggressiveness.
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I am still into pottery and now even manage to make some of my tea sets. I have to admit its nice when Justin tells me that I need to make more. They are so in demand right now.
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We finally got Ian and Marcos to come over with their wives to have a little party. It was awesome that Adam and Cara managed to tag along. I sat by Justin and asked him why he looked so down. He told me that he received yet another complaint from customers regarding Ivy.
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Ian too chimed in his opinion later that night. Justin is sometimes too nice but we all agreed that Ivy needed to go. In the end it is Justin's decision whether he retrains her or not.
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Justin called Ivy in and informed her of her aggressiveness. She refused to change and even said told Justin that his business would fail without her selling skills. No need to tell you that she was fired on the spot. Justin now is worried about hiring another person.
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I am 38 and that makes me 8 years older than my husband. I cant believe that I am about to turn 40 in a couple of years. I look in the mirror and I see the wrinkles starting to set in. I also started thinking about having more kids. I am almost at the cusp.
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My little mid-life crisis landed me on the sofa looking at the newspaper and something caught my eye. Apparently Viramontes is offering a new Master's program that costs $9,000. Can you imagine? I immediately wanted to sign up. Not to mention the auto bonus added to my salary.
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I mentioned it to Justin and he agreed that I should go ahead and do it. He himself didn't finish college and I asked him if he wanted to do it. He told me that he was too busy with the store but maybe in the future.
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I signed up for the classes and instantaneously received the material to get started. Apparently its 7 courses and for each one I have to write a term paper. Ugh!
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I found a glitch in the system. I have so far finished a course but I got the material for the second course. Its no wonder that I have to still do my exam for the 1st course. I cant believe that I really wanted to do this??? EEEK!

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