Brianna Barillas-Chalmers ch 6

Brianna (33), Neil (34), their children: Taylor (5) and Isaiah (3)
Narrated by: Neil.
It feels good to wake up to a household that is nice and quiet. I must admit there are times when I am still waiting to wake up and realize that this is all a dream. I love feeling the warmth of my wife's body next to mine and knowing that she is loved. My kids haven't woken up yet so I get up from bed and proceed to get them ready.
Isaiah has adjusted well to our family. Taylor our daughter, is acting up a little bit but we are hoping to nip that in the bud.
I have a talk with Taylor during our breakfast outside. She looks at me and just melts me with her little brown sad eyes looking at me. I know that part of the problem that she is acting this way at school is me. I look at how beautiful she is and I fail to discipline her as I should. But not today! I told her that she was loved but just as her mom and I have chores so does she.
She looked at me and began to question why she had to go to school instead of being home with her mom. I told her that it was what we all have done and sooner rather than later she would be done with school. She promised she would do her homework and act right in class.
"Now remember young lady, no talking while the teacher is teaching...agreed?"
"Yes daddy. But what if I know she is saying the wrong thing?"
"Well if she is asking for an answer and you happen to know its wrong then raise your hand. Once she acknowledges you then proceed to tell her. Most of all remember to be courteous to others".
She agreed but for some reason I already knew that it was a lost cause. I just hoped that she would manage to follow the rules at least for one day.
By the time Taylor and I left, Isaiah was still busy eating his breakfast. I kiss my wife goodbye and told her to have a great day. I kissed my son and then headed off to drop off Taylor at school and then go to work.
When I came home, I was surprised to see my brother-in-law Ian at my house. Apparently he came by to see Brianna and for us to meet Mary better. I still have not gotten over the shock that Ian divorced Debbie and now is with this new girl. Not only that but they have a newborn daughter that is the loveliest baby that I have seen.
Once inside we threw some hamburgers on the grill and decided to have an impromptu barbecue. Everything was going fine until the phone rang. I excused myself and dreaded answering it. I saw the caller ID and I saw that it was Taylor's school.
"I understand. She has not turned in any of her homework? No no that ends today. She will have all her assignments for tonight done by tomomorrow morning. No its no trouble at all. On the contrary, thank you for letting me know. "
While everyone was getting ready to sit down, I manged to get Taylor and take her to Brianna's office.
"What did I tell you about school? They called..."
"Daddy I did everything they told me"
"Taylor, you have not done your homework. Now you march upstairs and do it. I will come up later to review it. I want things neat young lady. "

Dinner wiht Ian and his new girlfriend turned out nice. My other newphew Sebastian had come along to play with Taylor but she was on punishment. We all conversed and Brianna shared stories about their childhood. We naturally talked about our kids. I was amazed that my nephews, Julio and August were getting so big already. Soon they would venture out college if they choose.
Ian wanted to talk to Brianna so I got Isaiah and Taylor ready for bed.
I saw Ian whispering to Brianna and my curiosity was peaked. I just couldnt go out there and say, "hey what are you two talking about" I would just have to wait.
At bedtime Brianna came up and told me that Ian had thanked her for the wonderful dinner and for making Mary feel at home. When I asked her if Ian mentioned marriage she told me that no. It seems Ian was content on just living together with her. I cant say I blame him. He has to give $4,000 a year for child support. I just hope that he knows what he is doing.
At least were happy. We discussed Taylor's lack of homework and then we went off to sleep. I was content and happy just being there snuggled by my wife Brianna.

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