Generation 2--Justin Barillas**Chapter 2

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Justin Barillas and Lashuan Cameron
Season: Winter Loan Debt 41,000
Justin's job: Intern for city planning career.
Lashaun's job: University Guest Lecturer.
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Justin and Lashuan have decided on a whim to open a small home business. Afterall their house had a smaller house built on the side that was unattached. Justin thought that this would be a good opportunity to rid themselves of some debt. Justin practiced his skills at sewing while Lashuan did the pottery. So far their business was doing so so. It wasnt in the black but it gave them extra income at times.
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Lashuan and Justin were good for each other. Despite their age difference Lashuan knew that Justin was goal oriented. There were times when Justin doubted himself but there was Lashuan willing to give him motivation.
Justin was happy even though he was saddened by his sister's death. He too had examined his life and that was the main reason for the business. He just hoped that he would let not only himself down but also Lashuan.

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