Brianna Barillas-Chalmers Ch 7

Brianna (35), Neal (36) their kids: Taylor (7) and Isaiah (5)
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The family is still getting used to having both kids go to school. It is so nice to see that the whole family gets ready and is out the door on time.
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Neal has really enjoyed his promotion to Commander and has even contemplated pursing further promotions. As of now he enjoys coming home and barbecuing for us.
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When I am off, we managed to get some basketball games in. Lately I have been feeling tired and not really up for playing B-Ball.
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We are also trying to socialize more. Ever since Mary came and asked for my advice on Ian I have been feeling guilty. I think Ian is indeed cheating on her but I have not proved it. I guess my effort in making them work is by inviting them over and having them see how well our family gets along.
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The best feeling is still laying in bed together. I told Neal that I had my doctor's appointment and he was going to call with some lab results. Neal was scared but I was not. For some reason I was confident everything was going to turn out right.
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I got the news from the doctor and I ran to tell Neal. He was shocked that I just barged into the bathroom. I couldn't help but blurt out, "i'm pregnant". Neal just stared at me. He was surprised since I was told I could never have kids. This is the reason we had two beautiful adopted children. Now we had this miracle baby and we didn't know how to react.
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I had a very low key baby shower. My sister-in-laws and sisters were shocked to hear that I was pregnant. Neal took very good care of me. He made sure I did nothing that would cause a miscarriage.
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The kids were happy but we quelled their fears of us loving this baby more. Both Neal and I have never from the kids hid the fact that we were honored to adopt them.
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Gratefully they get along. Sometimes I wonder how it will be when the new baby arrives. I am sure that they will love it as much as they love each other. Neal could not be happier. He even told me that he had even contemplated asking about adopting again prior to my big announcement.
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We try to have family game night and as always reinforce that we are a family no matter what. I think my kids are the best (of course im biased). Neal enjoys the llama game a bit to much. Where as I tend to hold back Neal actually gets competitive.
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Soon enough it was time for me to give birth. I was a little scared because it was my first ever birth.
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We welcomed a beautiful baby girl and named her Samira.

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