Time to move on out.....

Alfredo age19, Shaila age 19 and Dylan age 19
Parents: Maura and Consuelo Barillas.

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Consuelo's oldest set of Quads decided that it was time to move out and face life on their own. the only one of them that decided to go to college was Carson. The other three decided to rent an apartment on their own. It was a hard choice but thanks to their Aunt Amarilis they managed to rent her old apartment that was luckily vacant.
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Narrated by Shaila Barillas (from left to right: Alfredo, Shaila, and Dylan)
We are finally in our own apartment and honestly we love our new apartment. My brothers are missing the our younger siblings meanwhile I am enjoying the freedom. My mother Consuelo has been around often trying to make sure that we are doing OK. I have to admit that I know my mom feels guilty about us not going to college but we made our choice. I managed to find a job in a food position, my brother Alfredo got a job in security and Dylan is still looking for a job.
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Alfredo has always had weight issues. For some reason he always managed to lose weight and then would gain weight. Now that we were on our own he became a health nut. He was so happy that he lost weight that we decided to go out to the club to celebrate.
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Some way some how Alfredo and I managed to get our brother Dylan to go out with us. With us being Quads, we are used to they shyness of Dylan. Dylan protested the whole way to the club but he finally managed to get in the cab and relax a bit. As we headed to the club Alfredo was hoping to meet someone that would help me enjoy his new physically fit body.
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"Dylan, relax and enjoy yourself. Its our time to relax a bit."
"Shai, you know I don't like clubs. Why am I here?"
"Just enjoy it. Do it for Alfredo. Look at him all happy over there dancing. He's getting to know people and we should get to know some people too. Lets not let Alfredo have all the fun."
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My brother Alfredo was having a blast. I on the other hand managed to meet a guy named Pong..but he was not that interesting. I was looking for my brother Dylan and he was no where to be found. Im sure that he did not leave but I was a little worried...
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The next day, Alfredo had breakfast made for us. I sat down and Alfredo began to discuss how he met this hot guy at the club. I asked for Dylan since he left the club with out us the night before. I thought that he for sure Dylan was upset.
"You will never guess what our little brother did?"
"Is he upset at us Alfredo? We should have watched him more."
"I think not. He is outside saying goodbye to his ... well I dont know if 'one night stand' is the correct term."
I let out a gasp of surprise. Never in my wildest dreams did i think that Dylan would bring someone home. I guess I was wrong.
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His name is Leo Wilkie and Dylan seemed to be taken with him from the start. My brother has always been Gay. This is no big deal to us since our moms are gay partners. I think the thing that shocked us all was that Leo was a little older than Dylan. Leo to be exact was 50 years old while Dylan was about to turn 20. Anyone looking at them would think Leo was too old for my brother but oddly enough it didnt seem strange to me. As I mentioned before, Dylan has always been quiet and seemed older than his phyisical age. The term that comes to mind is "old soul". Yes that is what Dylan was.
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Dont worry Dylan was not the only one trying to meet someone. I saw one of our neighbors out front and he immediately caught my eye. I unfortunately didnt catch his. He was a little older... OK fine he was 34 but he did look good. I guess I am like my twin brother Dylan, I like the older type.
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After being turned down by my neighbor, I decided to take up a co-worker on his date offer. He has been telling me that he wanted to go out with me since I met him at my job. I know him but dont know him well enough to see if the attraction is more than physical. Hes cute and funny but how is he outside of work? I would soon find out since I finally accepted his invitation for lunch.
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His name is Weldon Fairchild. He works in the same fast food restaraunt as I do and he is 23 years old. Oh dont worry Weldon is only there while he finishes his law degree. It seems that I am attracted to Lawyers a lot. The neighbor that rejected me was also a lawyer. Imagine that. I am glad that I accepted the date with Weldon. Seeing him outside of our work enviornment was more that I ever expected.
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Conversation was light while we were waiting for our food. I am glad that I wasnt bored. I was actually interested in his activities outside of work.
"Is this OK for you? I mean I am still in shock that you accepted my date offer". "Of course this is OK Weldon. So how long have you worked at our job?"
"I would say about 3 years. I am ready to leave and get started in a law firm. How about yourself? Are you going to college?"
"Sadly I couldnt afford it. I dont know if its in my future. I come from a big family and well money was a little tight growing up."
"You said you had a big family. Do you live with your parents still?" "No, I actually live with two of my brothers while my other brother is in college. I have four younger sibilings currently starting high school."
"Wow your mom must have been busy. How about your dad?"
"She was busy. My mom Maura had two sets of Quads. Im in the first set and my other mother Consuelo would work more to have my mom Maura stay home."
"Oh I didnt realize that you had two moms. Thats cool as long as there is love then its OK"
"Im glad you feel that way. Most people wouldnt but my family is open to everything. We dont judge people at all."
The food came and Weldon let a sigh out of relief. I could not tell if Weldon accepted my family as it was or if he just wanted to get out of there.
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at the end of our date I was pretty tired and was ready to go home.
"Wait before you go. I have this for you. Its your birthday present. You can open it later."
"wow Weldon. I didnt expect this. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it."
"its OK. Well Ill see you out and see you at work tomorrow OK"
"Sure thanks."
I left that date and felt ecstatic about seeing Weldon the next day.
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Mom came over to make sure that we were all still alive. She was amazed that I was the only one home. I wasnt. Ever since we are on our own Alfredo and Dylan are out and about while I work and come home to relax. Weldon and I have decided to go out again but now I have Pong that I met at the club calling me.
Mom was feeling a little lonely so she came to see us and catch up. I think my mom is thinking about beginning to date. Im not sure if she is or will but I think its time. I know my mom Maura has been dating but I dont tell my mom Consuelo about it.
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Dylan and Leo are all over each other for the past several months. Who knew things between them would move so quickly. All Dylan ever talks about is being with Leo. I find it odd that Leo is barely and intern. You would think that at his age he would at least be a physician or something. I just hope that Dylan lives his life besides being held back by Leo.
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I decided to intervene. I know that he is in love with Leo but he also needed to see the bigger picture.
"so your in love?"
"I am Shaila. I know everyone is freaked that he is older than I am but in reality age doesn't matter. I just want to be with him. I dont know.. I think he may be the one."
"The one? Wow. I just ... well can you guys make it with his salary and you being jobless?"
"I guess we can. Shai, I have been meaning to tell you but Leo asked me to move in with him and I accepted."
"dylan! your only 20. Can't it wait a little more?"
"No. I love him and were moving in together next month. I will tell our moms before I move"
Narrated by Dylan:
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I was so happy to see him. No one really understands the love between Leo and myself. Its almost perfection. I dont have to pretend to be anything that I am not. he sees me for me. He supports me trying to one day go to college. I just hope that my family is as supportive of our love as my older sibilings are.
When Leo arrived to dinner that night my mom was about to have a heart attack. She didnt agree for me to move out with my boyfriend of over a year. True I was out on my own but still my mom Consuelo felt that she could still run my life.
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After dinner was done the unexpected happened. Leo asked for everyone's attention and proposed to me. I didnt think that it would happen but it did. I didnt think of it twice and I said yes. I cant believe that im engaged to the man that I love so much.
A few weeks after I moved out with Leo and we decided that we will have a private wedding ceremony. I have never been more happier than today.
Narrated by Alfredo:
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My boy toy... I laugh everytime he calls me that. I have been going out with him for over four months now. We saw each other at the club many moons ago. I really didnt think that we would click but we did. Sure we both decided to see other people but I dont know... maybe it was my brother announcing his engagement that made me seek him out. I called he answered and came over.
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Right now its not a relationship but at least its something. We are so good sexually. I took advantage that I had the night off and that Shaila was not home yet.

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