Generation 2-- Adrienne Barillas~~Season 1

Adrienne Barillas
Job: MVP (athletic career) Loan debt $0
Parents: Oscar and Maria-Celeste
Sibilings: Amarilis, Consuelo, Oscar Simon, Brianna, Ian, Marcos, Adam(her twin), Adrienne and Justin.
College years: Went to college and majored in Philosophy.
Present day~~
Adrienne managed to close on this small little house. She had to rebuild many items. Even though she had her bonus of college graduation it was not enough. She had to borrow $10,000 to remodel her new home. She was so proud when the realtor gave her the keys to her new house.

* * * * * * *

After getting settled in her peace and quiet was disturbed by her cellphone. "Now what?" she thought. After all she had just dealt with all the remodlers that she could deal with for one day. She finally got everything the way she wanted it. The worst was trying to get builders to take her word as the final one.
"Hi. Adrienne its me Ashley from college. You know Ashley Pitts. I was wondering if you would like to meet me downtown for some drinks. "
"Wow Ashley I didnt think that you actually moved to Viramontes. I would love to come down. I actually need it after the rough day I had. tell me when and where."
Adrienne was actually in true shock when she heard Ashley was in town. After all they did flirt endlessly in college. Even her twin Adam thought they were going to get together. Adrienne had only one plan and that was to graduate college. So she went along with his flirting but then just pushed it aside when graduation was upon her. Now that she was free maybe they could get things started.

Adrienne made her way down town and could not believe how hot it was in Viramontes. She thought that she would melt before she actually got downtown. Her heart skipped a beat when she laid her eyes on Ashley. He had seemed more mature now that she saw him again. She asked herself why she never gave him a chance.

"its so nice to see you Adrienne. I really cant believe that I found you free tonight."
"I know. I just moved into my house and its getting hard for me to deal with the remodlers."
"Did you need help? Im available."
"Its OK my brother Adam is coming by to set them straight. So what did you want to do?"
"How bout we get some Karaoke? I love it."
"Sure lets go. I take a stab at it."
Adrienne and Ashley walked into the karaoke room and within five minutes of hearing his screeching voice she was done. She excused herself to go to the bathroom. She needed anything to get out of there.

Adrienne was on her way back to Ashley when she walked into the wrong room.
"Oh I'm sorry I think that I got the wrong room."
"On the contrary I think you have the right one. Are you game for singing a duet with me?"
"Oh no..Im sorry my name is Adrienne. Im really sorry spoiling your"
"date? Oh no I am not here on one. I actually came here to unwind from my busy day at work. My name is Gerart Awon, nice to meet you. Are you here on a date?"
"No..well im hanging out with my friend but I didnt think that I would be tortured. Speaking of which I should get back."
"Before you do I told you my last name and yours?"
"Barillas. My name is Adrienne Barillas"
"this is a small world. Is your mom Maria-Celeste Barillas?"
"yes why? Wait I just noticed the coat. You work for her right?"
"Yup. well I wont keep you but Im sure we will bump into each other again. take care".
Adrienne walked out and Gerard stared at her leaving. He thought to himself that he would see Adrienne again. If there was one thing he was sure of was that.
* * * * * * *

When did Adrienne actually agree to hold a womans meeting? She was unsure. The one thing she knew is that at her table sat her mother, Amarilis (in the blue), Meadow and Briannna (in the pink).
"I still think that it will be a good day for you mom to stay with us if Simon's house is too small." said Amarilis.
"By the way Adrienne. I heard that you met my collegue Gerard the other day. He mentioned that he wanted to see you again. He is a nice single young doctor. He is also deemed my replacement when I finally retire." Adrienne did not bite because she didnt want to talk to her family about a guy she barely talked to for barely 10mins. Adrienne could only think of her job that she had yet to start.

Brianna managed to corner Adrienne and ask why she was not invited over. She actually was told by Amarilis that Adrienne was having breakfast served.
"I dont know why I didnt call you. I guess I figured you were busy. Im sorry for next time I will make sure to call you first."
"Adrienne" said Brianna, "I know we grew apart when I left for college but I hope we can mend things..after all were family."
"I know but honestly you are blowing this out of proportion."
* * * * * * *

Adam managed to break away from is busy schedule to visit his twin Adrienne. He told her about his latest drama at his apartment complex.
"How unfair for you Adam. Two girls are chasing you. I feel so sad."
"Shut it. I dont know what to do. If I take out Lyndsey then I think Kaylynn will get mad. I dont want them to even know."
"I dont know what to tell you then." replied Adrienne.
Then doorbell rang and Adam offered to go and answer the door.

"hello. I think I have the wrong house. I was looking for Adrienne."
"Ya she lives here. And you are?"
"I think I caught her at a bad time"
Adrienne walked out, "Who is it? Oh Hi Gerard how are you? To what do I owe this surprise?"
"I wanted to stop by and ask you to have coffee but I see your busy."
"With who me? Oh I get it. You think that im dating Adrienne...well I think that would be taboo since im her twin brother Adam."
"Twin brother? im sorry I thought."
"No worries. come on in and join us ...lets set another plate for the young lad Adrienne." replied Adam.

Adrienne felt that the floor would open up and swallow her. She did not believe that Gerard was literally sitting at her dining room table. She could not belive that her brother invited him in and they were talking like they were friens for years.

The guys let Adrienne clean the table and put some coffee to brew. Meanwhile Adam decided to grill Gerards intentions.
"You know the drill" said Adam, " What are your intentions with my sister. That sounds official right?"
"It does. I talked to your mom before by the way. She is who gave me Adriennes address. My intentions? Honestly just to get to know her better. I want to see if theres something there. She did catch my eye but I wont lie to you. I have a busy practice and im next in line to the throne that your mom currently occupies."
"im glad to hear it."

* * * * * *

Adrienne felt bad about how the date ended with Ashley that she agreed to see him again. She didnt know why she agreed to it but she just did. To her surprise she actually had a great time. She even flirted with him a little. After a fun night she decided to head back home and relax.

* * * * * *

"So sis spill it. How are things with Gerard?" inquired Adam.

"non existant. He's busy with work. I wanted to ask you something because maybe you know more than I . Do you get along with our older sibilings? I mean I think that I dont know Amarilis, Consuelo or Brianna but they want me to be all buddy buddy with them. I dont know what to say. I just want to be at peace but with Brianna constantly calling me 24/7 trying to make up for lost time. It just gets annoying."

"I know. It can get taxing. I guess we guys are different. I get along with Simon and Marcos and of course Justin. Ian? Well I still havent seen him. I know that he has kids but its not for him to just ignore his family."

"he has always been like that. He is the number one private person. I still remember when he left. He was so determined and no one could stop him."

"Ya. either way sis they are our family. We will get to know each other again. Its hard having brothers and sister that hardly know each other. Besides were twins and I know you since day 1."

Adrienne stared at her twin and hoped her relations with the older sibilings would get better as time progressed.

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